STIKKI PEACHES guest artist @ CHEAP festival 2017

[:it]Stikki Peaches non si è limitato a tappezzare il paesaggio urbano della sua città natale, Montreal: i suoi lavori dall’estetica ultra pop sono stati avvistati nelle aree urbane di Parigi, New York, Toronto, Los Angeles, Berlino, Stoccolma e Londra.
A maggio, arriverà in Italia per CHEAP e continuerà nei mesi successivi un fitto tour europeo.
from Canada with love
Stikki Peaches
guest artist
@ CHEAP street poster art festival vol. V | 1-7 maggio 2017


via GIPHY[:en]Stikki Peaches’ (Canada) work has been seen in the urban areas of Paris, New York, Toronto, Los Angeles, Berlin, Stockholm and London. Though covering international landscapes with his pop-culture referenced, lowbrow street art, Stikki Peaches has also added to his ongoing street tapestry in his hometown of Montreal, Canada.
From his beginnings in 2009, his “What If Art Ruled The World?” tagline had every passer-by engaged in thought, while enjoying the embodiment and amalgamation of his unique and nostalgia-laced street art.

via GIPHY[:]